61. |
Which of the following are the states of a five state process model?
i) Running ii) Ready iii) New iv) Exit v) Destroy
Option (c) |
62. |
State which statement is true for Suspended process?
i) The process is not immediately available for execution.
ii) The process may be removed from suspended state automatically without removal order.
Option (a) |
63. |
Following is/are the reasons for process suspension.
Option (d) |
64. |
In process scheduling,________________ determines when new processes are admitted to the system.
Option (a) |
65. |
Five batch jobs A to E arrive at same time. They have estimated running times 10,6,2,4 and 8 minutes. Their priorities are 3,5,2,1 and 4 respectively with 5 being highest priority. In which sequence process will get turn to execute under non preemptive priority scheduling algorithm.
Option (b) |
66. |
Five batch jobs A to E arrive at same time. They have estimated running times 10,6,2,4 and 8 minutes. Their priorities are 3,5,2,1 and 4 respectively with 5 being highest priority. In which sequence process will get turn to execute under shortest job first scheduling algorithm.
Option (a) |
67. |
Five batch jobs A to E arrive at same time. They have estimated running times 10,6,2,4 and 8 minutes. Their priorities are 3,5,2,1 and 4 respectively with 5 being highest priority. In which sequence process will get turn to execute under first come first serve scheduling algorithm.
Option (b) |
68. |
Five batch jobs A to E arrive at 0,1,2,4,5. They have estimated running times 10,6,2,4 and 8 minutes. Their priorities are 3,5,2,1 and 4 respectively with 5 being highest priority. In which sequence process will get turn to execute under round robin scheduling algorithm for quantum time=4.
Option (c) |
69. |
Four batch jobs A to D arrive at same time. They have estimated running times 10,6,2 and 8 minutes. Their priorities are 3,2,1 and 4 respectively with 4 being highest priority. Which process will get turn first to execute under preemptive priority scheduling algorithm.
Option (d) |
70. |
Four batch jobs A to D arrive at same time. They have estimated running times 10,6,2 and 8 minutes. Their priorities are 3,2,1 and 4 respectively with 4 being highest priority. Which process will get turn first to execute under shortest job first scheduling algorithm.
Option (c) |