31. |
Estimate the current cost of a piece of equipment that has 50% more capacity than a similar piece of equipment that cost Rs. 30,000 five years ago. The appropriate power-sizing exponent for this type of equipment is 0.8, and the ratio of the cost indexes (current to 5 years ago) is 1.24.
Option (c) |
32. |
At a learning curve rate of 80%, estimate the time in minutes required to assemble production unit number 100 given that the first production unit required 74.8 minutes to assemble.
Option (a) |
33. |
At a learning curve rate of 80%, estimate the time in minutes required to assemble production unit number 100 given that unit number 50 required 20.0 minutes to assemble.
Option (c) |
34. |
If 300 labor hours of time is required to produce first unit and learning time curve is 95%, then estimated time for production of 100th units will be ________ .
Option (b) |
35. |
5 years back a 7.5 hp 3-phase 4 pole induction motor cost was Rs. 14,500. If a similar induction motor, but of 15 hp has to be purchased today what will be its estimated price. Assume value of power sizing exponent for motor to be 0.69 and cost index for motor has changed from 1.2 to 1.6 in last five years.
Option (c) |
36. |
In year 2012, the material index value at 100 and annual expenses of production unit towards material was Rs 15 lac. If material index value in 2020 is 166 the estimated material cost in 2020 will be-
Option (b) |