Organisational Behaviour (3141909) MCQs

MCQs of Group Behaviour

Showing 11 to 20 out of 40 Questions
As a member of a group, you typically desire acceptance by the group and are susceptible to ________ group norms.
(a) approving
(b) divulging
(c) conforming
(d) divergence

Option (c)

The current popularity of teams can be attributed to the fact that ________.
(a) they outperform individuals
(b) they represent a better way to use employee talents
(c) they reduce the need for coordination and supervision
(d) they aid in the performance of simple tasks that do not require diverse inputs

Option (a)

Which of the following statements best defines a work group?
(a) A work group performs at a level greater than the sum of its inputs from individual members.
(b) A work group interacts primarily to share information, rather than to engage in work that requires a joint effort.
(c) A work group consists of members who work together and generate positive synergy through a coordinated effort.
(d) A work group consists of members having complementary skills that are applied in a coordinated fashion to the task at hand.

Option (b)

Work groups are characterized by ________.
(a) the emphasis on generating positive synergy
(b) the goal of sharing information among members
(c) the mutual and team-based accountability for results
(d) the need to attain collective performance

Option (b)

What is the primary purpose of a work group?
(a) To generate positive synergy
(b) To improve collective performance
(c) To inculcate a climate of trust
(d) To share relevant information

Option (d)

Which of the following statements is true regarding a work team?
(a) Work teams are rarely used in organizations today.
(b) Work teams are generally less flexible than traditional departments.
(c) Work teams generate positive synergy through a coordinated effort.
(d) Work teams are less responsive to changes in the internal and external environment of the company.

Option (c)

A work team is characterized by ________.
(a) the goal of sharing information
(b) the presence of neutral to negative synergy
(c) the availability of complementary skills among members
(d) the individual accountability for outcomes and results

Option (c)

Problem-solving teams can ________.
(a) implement the recommended changes to resolve a problem
(b) assume responsibility for the outcomes of a solution they implemented
(c) provide recommendations after a discussion amongst department members
(d) resolve the problems of different departments in an organization simultaneously

Option (c)

Which of the following teams is more likely to be made up of employees from about the same hierarchical level but different work areas?
(a) Problem-solving
(b) Self-managed work
(c) Cross-functional
(d) Traditional

Option (c)

Virtual teams are characterized by ________ in comparison to teams which interact face-to-face.
(a) low popularity among companies
(b) the use of computers to interact
(c) low sharing of unique information
(d) low need for supervision

Option (b)

Showing 11 to 20 out of 40 Questions